Not sure if i'll be able to finish it, but I want to have some fun too.
Here's my concept, I'm going for a library, with a stylized dark fantasy twist, heavily darksiders inspired


A closer shot of the throne itself

However be careful with copyright, the head on the throne look awfully similar to darksiders 2, inspired is okay but putting something from the game is probably not, you should check out with them. Would be sad to see you disqualified for something like that :<
here's the references I used for the concept, very inspired by the angel scribe from darksiders2, and some cool scrolls and books found in substrata book. I don't see any problem with the skull on the chair, it's just a dark fantasy skull obviously in the same style as darksiders (american comics) which happens to be the style I like to draw too. I got the Orb idea on the mouth from ds though.
Got also very inspired by the warcraft gnome library ofc, and some diablo stuff
Not a masterpiece of composition, but trying to get as many lines leading to the throne.
trying to get it done this week so I can move on.
here's a mock-up of the proportions/detail frequency, very sketchy.
and some progress, starting to polish some parts:
Process-wise, I used a lot GoZ, for the proportions, using FFD boxes on max to taper/bend parts.
I also used a lot 3dcoat to retopo some blockout parts, and get some clean base-mesh for Zbrush. I don't worry about wire density on max, just edge definition. Once on Zbrush I just split group>freeze transformation>zremesh all the parts, for a clean sculptable wireframe
Also here is some paint overs I used along the sculpt/proportion phase to see what's wrong, very useful for me to switch 3D>2d all the time.
I like the Orb in the mouth - self-cannibalism
here are some paint over that helped me get there
I also did a candle kit with different variations, I'll post it later.
Good progress. Can you tell what zbrush shader you are using? Thanks
Process, paint-over from a keyshot render than sculpting it straight so i'll get a clean flat normal map on baking. All the tapering/bending will happen on the low poly.
Also the candle kit
@Cody: thanks for linking my brush ^^, I actually used it for 98% of the wood planks.
@cataev serj: here's the matcap
Some generic books...custom books coming next.
Thank you for sharing. Your work looks very promising for the contest.
I'd kill for some videos of you working! Maybe consider doing some gumroad stuff?
@Jacob: no gumroads planned for now, maybe one day
Paint over from rough sculpt to me help me.
here's a PO for the pillar.
Still having a lot of fun with this
Really good job, Orb!
Using Xnormal and MikktSpace?